AP 211

Alternative Delivery of the BC Health Education Curriculum


The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines with respect to the teaching of the physical and health education curriculum (K-10), specifically the components related to human sexuality.

The District provides the opportunity for students, upon request of their parents, to opt for an alternative delivery of instruction with regard to specific learning standards in the Health Education Curriculum of Physical and Health Education K-10. The student, their parents and school staff work in partnership to ensure that the learning outcomes of the health curriculum standards are achieved through this alternative delivery. This administrative procedure recognizes that the BC Health Education curriculum addresses topics which may be sensitive for some students and their parents. It acknowledges the family as the primary educator in the development of children’s attitudes, standards, and values, but it still requires that all learning standards be addressed and assessed in the agreed-upon alternative manner of delivery. The school plays a developmental role and works closely with parents and students in the achievement of these learning outcomes.


Alternative delivery is a formal process whereby parents may request that their child not participate in classes where topics related to reproduction and sexuality within the curriculum standards of Physical & Health Education K-10 are discussed. Instead, the student will address these topics in an alternative manner such as home instruction, independent directed study or distributed learning. The time and effort required of the student through alternative delivery is to be similar to that provided through regular classroom instruction. It is important to note the significance of the term “alternative delivery” as it relates to the Alternative Delivery policy. The policy does not permit schools to omit any of the learning standards within the Physical and Health Education curriculum. Neither does it allow students to be excused from meeting any learning standards related to health. It is expected that students who arrange for alternative delivery will address the health-related learning standards and will be able to demonstrate their understanding of these learning standards.

  1. In the area of human sexuality instruction, options for healthy sexual decision-making, including the benefits of abstinence, will be taught. (note: benefits of abstinence is not identified in the K-10 content)
  2. When human sexuality is discussed in Physical and Health Education K-12, e instruction and resources will be age-appropriate.
  3. All outside speakers (on or off school-site) must be approved by the principal. Speakers must be made aware of and follow District procedures. Outside speakers will never be left alone with student(s); the teacher is responsible for the student(s) and must always be present. School-wide speakers must be approved by the Superintendent or designate.
  4. Teachers should use their professional judgment to decide if it is appropriate for students to be separated by grade and/or by gender for instruction.
  5. Form AP 211-1 Letter to Parents re: Sensitive Topics will be distributed to parents/guardians of all students, prior to delivery of the curriculum. 
  6. Parents are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the classroom teacher. If parents choose the alternate delivery option, they will be given access to the Physical and Health Curriculum Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies and Content.  Parents will be required to provide a written explanation of how the student will achieve the learning standard and demonstrate knowledge of the health topics that they have chosen to learn in an alternative manner. 
  7. Evidence of learning will be established between the parent and teacher. The teacher will determine whether the learning standards have been achieved. The report card comments will indicate the part of the course which was completed outside of the classroom. 


AP 211-1 Letter to Parents re Sensitive Topics

AP 211-2 Letter to Outside Speakers re Sensitive Topics

AP 301 Access to Students

AP 301-1 Guest Presenter Agreement

(Last Revised: June 2024)